Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Politics of Dennis Moore

[If you find yourself at a loss, go to youtube.com and watch Dennis Moore parts 1&2. This is part three and makes a little more sense with all in place.]

Stan and I have been watching a lot of Monty Python over the past year. This sketch had us in tears and it has come to mind many times over the past months: Financial meltdown, health care debate, and now the Grecian debt crisis and the precarious state of the Euro. Should the people of Greece suffer because their governors made bad decisions? If Germany has money because of wise decisions, then how much of their practice (& hopefully wisdom) do they get to impart as they bail out Greece, Spain & Portugal? I'm quite glad I'm not a global economist right now.

Even in our own conversations at home we're facing similar themes. Monkey wants to give away every pencil and eraser we have because some of her classmates are running out. Someone said they don't have a glue stick so she wants me to buy more so she can give them away. She also doesn't understand why someone doesn't take the neighborhood homeless lady in to live with them. How do we keep the spark of compassion alive while we try to explain the complicated structures of responsibility and consequences of actions? This redistribution of wealth is very complicated.

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