Saturday, May 29, 2010

Treasure Hunting

We're spending the long weekend cleaning out the workshop in our basement. It's supposed to be a utilitarian room for laundry, exercise, the tool bench, etc. Instead, it's a pile of accumulated clutter. Not the memories the weekend was created for but we can't replace the leaking water heater until we've made a path.

Much of the debris is from the years Stan was in the house before I came along. Tokens from his childhood and college years are mixed in with old cleaning and lawn care products. There are a number of boxes belonging to his ex-wife that we haven't yet managed to get her to take. These are not the giddiest memories to wade through.

Still, I love organizing. I love getting rid of clutter. It's wonderfully cathartic and the finished product is often dramatic. I consider a well-planned and organized room to be a thing of great beauty, even when there's a water heater in the background. Who knows, we may even end up on Antiques Roadshow.

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