We live below the snow belt so we don't deal with it super often. That means that none of us do too well driving 'round in the stuff and our local governments aren't too practiced at snow cleanup. If it snows more than 6 inches we're stuck in the house. If it gets to a foot we're stuck for at least two days. The more snow, the longer we sit in our house. Here comes the epiphany: if there's too much snow, then the meetings get canceled. If the roads are dangerous then I can't be expected to run errands. If school is out then I don't need to monitor homework time. Suddenly, my day is blissfully empty and I can play with my family, who are also snowed in with me.
This storm 'round Monkey & Peanut are riding it out at their mom's house. We sent them off with backpacks full of fun and enlightenment. They've also got winter-wear and cardboard for sledding so they shouldn't run out of stuff to do anytime soon. As much as I would love to have with them here at our house, I'm loving the lack of fighting, bickering, whining, tattling and other sisterly love that they carry with them. I miss them but when I'm not playing referee, there's even more time for bliss.
Stan, Puddin' and I are each toodling around the house accomplishing things. (Toddler toodling is very cute.) I'm 95% done with a project that has hung over my head for nearly 3 years, and that was with the last throws of errands and chauffeuring this morning, before the snow started in earnest. Just think what else I'll be able to knock through this weekend! Of course, I'll be out there doing my share of shoveling too, but I'm ignoring that for the sake of my grand vision.
The snow/rain boots that I ordered way too late in the season won't be here in time so I'll be out there shoveling while wearing my grungiest struttin' boots. "These boots were made for walkin' but that's not all they'll do ..." The to-do list that taunts me is in for a swift kick in the butt, from my much-too-fancy boots.
I can see where a snow day could be fun... but I'll still trade :)